Welcome to our Affiliate Partnership Access Page
Thank you for your interest!
For any full-pay referrals that you send us using our built-in affiliate tracking system, we will compensate 15% for all referrals and 25% for clients you actually enroll!
This area of our website will be the place to go to find out about upcoming opportunities and programs that we will be launching.
To get started right away, simply sign up below so we can create your account, get you access and start tracking your referrals!
NOTE: As soon as you sign up, we will send you an email with the link to our referral partner application so we can get all the details that we need to get you paid the easiest way possible!
You will continue to our Partner Resources Page where you will have access to easy to share links for all of our services.
How Our Referral Tracking System Works
Sign in here to create your user profile on this site, then when you share the links we can easily keep track of your referrals to be able to return dividends accurately.
Once your account is created you will be able to share any of our upcoming opportunities and by using the links on the Partner Resources page, or by copying the URL in the address bar of your page fetch and sharing on social media, or to use as your link in any emails you send.
Again, thanks for the support in helping us help others...